By Lucas Calderon

When is Stone Crab Season?

Stone Crab Season Dates

If you are like us, you’ve probably been waiting for the start of stone crab season. Looking around or wondering all summer long when and where can you get enjoy the coveted stone crab? The answer – October 15 at

Stone Crab Season History

By the laws set by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, (FF&WWC), the first day our fisherman can catch stone crabs is on October 15th. However, the Stone Crab traps can be placed out in the waters as early as October 5th.

Stone Crab season, for almost 100 years was from October 15 through Mother’s Day weekend, give or take May 15th. However, before the start of the 2020 season, the FF&WCC shortened the season to May 1st. This decision was mostly in part to various years of studies that showed an overall decrease in population.

Stone Crab Trap Stone Crab Season

To make sure that the population rates continue to stay the same, or better yet increase – more stone crabs from more people – the FF&WCC has also imposed a change to the overall structure of the traps that are used to catch Florida Stone Crabs. Starting in the 2023 season, a β€œ2 3/16 escape ring will be required in all stone crab traps. This will allow any of the smaller stone crabs to easily space and continue to nourish themselves and grow for next season. The escape ring will be located in the lower half of the trap and addicted to the vertical centerline of the trap wall” –

Other regulations during the stone crab season also include the claw size that can be harvested. During season, from October 15-May 1, the minimum size of a claw must meet is 2 and 7/8 inches. Any claw that is caught smaller than that must be returned to the ocean, and naturally any stone crab caught out of season will result in potential loss of licenses for fisheries/fishing vessels and/or jail time.

Holy Crab Delivery Offers Stone Crab

Here at Holy Crab Delivery, we have partnered exclusively with a fleet of fishermen who uphold a policy to only remove one claw from the stone crab. This practice allows the stone crab to be able to properly have the means to nourish itself and defend itself. Younger stone crabs will be able to regenerate their claws within several months, while order stone crabs may take almost a year for the claw to grow back. A typical lifespan of a stone crab is roughly eight to nine years.

Crab Size

Holy Crab Delivery offers sizes that range from medium (6-7 claws per lb), large (4-5 claws per lb), jumbo (2-3 claws per lb), and colossal (1-2 claws per lb). Need some help in deciding which claw would be best for you? Contact us and we are happy to give you our best recommendation.